Happy Lunar New Year!
Picture above taken by JKPC member Lina (Na-Li) in Singapore!
This Sunday, February 2 ... Join us for Worship at 9:30 a.m.
It is Communion Sunday and
Pastor Don's message is titled:
"What A Party!”
based on John 2:1-11
Immediately after Worship, please stay for...

The JKPC Annual Corporate and Congregational Meeting
& Election of Nominating Committee
Please plan to stay after worship on Sunday for this meeting. The JKPC 2024 Annual Report will be received by the congregation and there will be an opportunity for the congregation to address new business. We will also elect a Nominating Committee for new Deacons and Elders.
New Women’s Bible Study, "Abide"
Begins Tuesday, February 4 from 10 a.m. - noon
We will be starting the Jen Wilkin’s study, Abide,
exploring the books of 1, 2, 3 John.
We just moved to alternate Tuesdays, and we meet in members’ homes in San Ramon and Livermore. This small group would love to have other women join us in this time of fellowship, Bible study and prayer.
If you have any question, please contact Vickie Wyant at vwyant@att.net

Senior Valentine’s Lunch Sunday, February 9 @ 11 a.m.
The Deacons invite all JKPC Seniors to a special
Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. There will be
delicious food, live music, and great fellowship!
You can sign up after worship on Sunday
or CLICK HERE to RSVP online.
Help make it a SOUPer February
by donating Soup for the Food Bank! 
Help the Children’s Emergency Food Bank by
donating soup of your choice throughout the month of February. You will be giving a warm meal to a family in need.
YOUTH GROUP - we are having a Special Souper Bowl Sunday Game Day
Sunday, February 9 at 3 p.m. at JKPC!
"The Forge"
New Adult Sunday School Class Begins February 16, from 11 a.m. -noon
Join us as we view and discuss clips of the movie,
The Forge, and discuss relevant Scripture.
This class runs 5 Sundays.
It’s not required, but you may enjoy watching the film,
The Forge, on Netflix in advance.
There is no homework, just grab some coffee and join us after worship.
Childcare or transportation home can be arranged with advance notice.
Please contact Vickie Wyant or Nancy Polcyn.
Thank you for your help with Disaster Relief
for the Southern California Wildfires
Thank you - JKPC received $1150 in donations, that will be mailed to PC(USA)'s Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
You can still help by donating directly to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: CLICK HERE.
PC(USA) affirms our commitment to accompany those affected by this disaster and help with both short and long term.

More Ways to Give thru Vanco Online Giving!
You can donate to JKPC on our website CLICK HERE ,
or through the Vanco App on your phone.
With Vanco, you can give to specific ministries: General Offering, $40 Per Capita,
Deacons Fund and Children's Emergency Food Bank.
Whether you mail in your offering, drop it off at church,
or pay electronically, we thank you for your continued support!
For questions regarding your pledge / offerings,
please contact the church office and they can connect you with the treasurer.

Prayers of Joy and Concern:
Prayers for comfort and peace for Allean Husted and family, as they mourn the passing of Allean's sister, Lorraine, in Florida; for Vickie Wyant's neighbor, Judy, who is experiencing nerve pain in her feet; prayers for a full recovery for Peter McIntrye who had surgery on Monday; for 16-year-old Olivia Guzman who has been admitted to UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in SF for MRIs and other tests due to health issues. Please pray for Olivia as she undergoes tests and waits for a treatment plan; prayers for Kim Kraft's friend, Jen, who is in kidney failure and in need of a kidney transplant; praises from Kim that her daughters were with her this weekend while Bob was honored at a Cal High basketball game (they renamed a basketball award in his name, and retired his basketball jersey number); praises from Pete Peterson for all who work behind the scenes at JKPC; praises from Laura Bolin that her daughter-in-law and grandson were not hurt in a car accident (and prayers for peace for Giovanna as she processes the accident); gratitude from Cirila Sagasag for their prayers and kindness she has received as they mourn the passing of her brother Rudy's wife, Fely; for healing for Larry Woods' brother, Bob, who is in ICU following bypass surgery earlier this week.
How can we pray for you?
If you have a prayer request or know someone who is need,
please call the office or email us at jkpccares@gmail.com
This Week's Happenings…
6:30 p.m. Spanish Speaking Bible Study - Room D
6:30 p.m. Troop 2021 - Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m. Alanon - Room D
**Dean/Steve will email out rehearsal info**
8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study - Country Waffle
10:00 a.m. Lift Bible Study- Conference Room
Morning Isla Ramsay's Eagle Scout Project Work Day - Fellowship Hall
9:30 a.m. Worship Service - Sanctuary
10:30 a.m. Annual Corporate and Congregational Meeting
11:15 a.m. Heavenly Grace Church - Sanctuary, Library
4:00 p.m. Rock for Kids
5:00 p.m. Youth Group
Thought for the week:
