READY, SET, MOVE! Sunday Kick off TOMORROW/ VBS Student & Volunteer Info / Music Playlist Links
VBS 2023 Families

READY, SET, MOVE! Sunday Kick off TOMORROW/ VBS Student & Volunteer Info / Music Playlist Links


READY, SET, MOVE! Vacation Bible School at JKPC is HERE
Your kids will learn to follow Jesus... Here, There and Everywhere!  

We have 93 students signed up for this Fun Week! If you're receiving this email, you've registered your child for VBS, or you've offered to volunteer. 

SUNDAY Kick-Off on July 9

We will have a VBS Kick-off On Sunday, July 9, after church, at 10:45 a.m.  Our church service begins at 9:30 a.m. and there is Sunday School for kids if you would like to join us!   
At the kick-off, we'll serve Costco Hot Dogs, Chips, Sno Cones, and play a few carnival games, too!   You can also pick up your VBS T-shirt on this day! The kick-off should last til about 12:30. 



VBS week is Monday-Friday, July 10-14,  9 a.m. - Noon  
We'll ask that all kids arrive at 8:45 a.m. so that parents can first sign them in officially in the main courtyard.   Parents will need to sign their kids "In" and "Out" - enter in the main gates into the courtyard and we will guide you to where the drop-off/pick-up point is.  Middle Schoolers do not need to signed in - but we will have a check-in roster. 

Our VBS will be both indoors and outside.  Inside the Sanctuary we'll enjoy opening assembly (songs, skits, & fun) and Music time.  Outdoor classroom time will be filled with Bible Lessons, Recreation, and Crafts.  Snacks will be served in Fellowship Hall.    Please have your kids wear close-toed shoes, or at least sandals that are not slip-ons - so they will not trip during recreation time.   

We'll be asking kids to bring their own water bottles again this year. We'll be able to keep them refilled with cold water.  Our snacks are nut-free - 
Here are the daily snacks we will be serving. 

Monday:  Friendship Mix - goldfish, honeycomb cereal, popcorn, pretzels, and sliced apples
Tuesday: Cheese Sticks and Crackers, watermelon, too!
Wednesday: Muffins w/fruit and maybe yogurt, too!
Thursday : mac and cheese and orange jello!
Friday: Sheet pan Pizza and Brownies

Parents - you can decide if you need to bring a similar snack for your kids if there are additional allergy concerns.  There will be a place on the sign-in roster to mark if you brought your own snack.  EpiPens will be held in the church office - make sure your name is on it. Please give it to your teacher at sign-in.

We are excited to have Music Time with the kids -They love learning the songs and dance movements.
We will not be sending out CDs this year -  feel free to listen to the Music on our digital files.  If you have a music streaming subscription, we have built playlists on:

   Spotify    Amazon Music    Apple Music 
or for digital music links, and for the words to each song, 



If you have volunteered to help with VBS Week - THANK YOU!
CLICK HERE to see where you are assigned. Your team leader for each area  (noted with an * on the list) will help guide you on Monday morning.  We are thankful to have many long-time VBS Volunteers  We will ask the Volunteers to please arrive at 8:30 a.m. each morning if you can, so that we can get you connected with your area leaders and assigned tasks. 

CLICK HERE for the VBS Schedule/Rotation - it's the same each day.  This is a fun and easy VBS - the craft team, Bible team, and recreation team will come to each class group.  Groups will only "travel" to assembly, music and snack time.   We have three main groups:
Preschool/Pre-K/Kindergarten (Co-op Playyard) 
1st-3rd Grade (Joy Playyard)
4th & 5th Grade (Courtyard).   
Middle Schoolers will help with younger classes and will have their own youth time (front lawn)

There will be nametags for all volunteers and students to wear each day. 
Adult & High School volunteers will have time to have a break and enjoy some special refreshments in Fellowship Hall.   
If you would like to help bring Bagels, Muffins, or an Egg Quiche  for the volunteers - please CLICK HERE for the Sign-up Genius.  :)    




Middle Schoolers will have their own class time, as well as a chance to be a leader with the younger children! We'll give them all the info to where they are assigned to on VBS Monday.   Please remind your middle schooler that they should not be using their smart phone socially during VBS. :)
We have Sunday afternoon Youth Group from 4-6 p.m. each week - including this Sunday!


Join us Sunday, July 16, when the kids will sing and share what they learned at VBS during our church service.  We'll all enjoy a big BBQ and fellowship after! 


If you have any other questions, please let Miss Nancy know

We are looking forward to a Wonderful Week with your kids! We hope to see you tomorrow, Sunday, if you are able! :) 

Blessings, Nancy Polcyn and Kim Kraft!