Adult Ed/Bible Studies at JKPC


Bible Study Groups at JKPC

Women's Bible Study - Meets on Fridays from 10 a.m. - noon in member's homes. We are exploring the book "Finding God Faithful," a study on the life of Joseph. We would love to welcome any interested women. Please contact Vickie Wyant for details at 925-487-4195

LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together) Bible Study – We meet from 10 a.m. - noon on alternate Fridays in the Church Office Conference Room and on Zoom! We are studying the book, “Soul Strength: Spiritual Courage for the Battles of Life.” New members are always welcome to the group! To learn more about this group, please contact Sue King-Irwin at, or the church office at 925-828-1846.

Men’s Bible Study - Start the New Year with Men’s Bible Study! We meet on Friday mornings at 8 a.m. at Copper Skillet Restaurant in Dublin. All men are welcome to join! For more information, contact Dave Rauch at