Year at a Glance

John Knox Presbyterian Church   Dublin, CA
Our mission is to know and honor God,
and follow the Son while loving and serving others.

Check out our  Photo Gallery to "See" us in Action. 



Sunday School ~ Sunday School is offered year-round for kids preschool - 5th Grade, with Nursery Care for little ones. Children discover God's Word every Sunday through lessons, crafts and music! 

Youth Group ~ This Sunday afternoon program runs all through the year Sunday afternoons.

ROCK ~ This Sunday afternoon program runs September - May and is a fun time with friends! It's offered to kids in Kindergarten - 5th Grade, 4 - 5:30 p.m.

Adult Education Classes ~ Throughout the Year look for studies and series at 11 a.m. after church

Weekly and BiWeekly Bible Studies on and off Campus

Monthly Events:
SWELL Ladies (Social Women Enjoying Living Life) - lunches, outings and good fellowship
LitWits Book Discussion & Potluck 
(NitWits Men even go out to dinner some months during LitWits)

Fellowship & Service Events throughout the year: Ladies Bunco, Men's Poker, Game Nights, Kids Against Hunger Mission, Santa Cruz Beach & Boardwalk, Boomers, Paint 'n' Sip, A's Games, Deacons Coffees, Bake Sales, Park Days, Zoo Trip, Talent Shows, Dublin Clean-up day, Crab Feeds, Children Emergency Food Bank drives and more!  

Pre-Pandemic we held Womens & Mens Retreats, and every other year hosted a Christmas Tea Fundraiser for Children's Emergency Food Bank. 

Special Services throughout the year may include Laity Sunday (where the congregation shares the messages), Pentecost Sunday and People's Choice Music Sundays (where the congregation gets to help choose the music). 

We are thankful to have John Knox Co-op Preschool and Heavenly Grace share our campus.  

Special Services &  Events happening each year at JKPC

Remembering our JKPC Family ~ at the end of January, we create a Slide Show honoring those who have passed away the year before. 

Deacons Senior Valentine's Luncheon ~ In February, Seniors 65+ are invited to enjoy a lunch, entertainment and fellowship, hosted by our JKPC Deacons. 

Ash Wednesday Service  ~ Wednesday,. March 5, 2025

Scout Sunday ~ On a Sunday in February or March, JKPC will honor our Boy & Girl Scouts, during the Kids Message. Highlighting Eagle Projects, Gold & Silver Awards, and distributing a special patch. 

One Great Hour of Sharing ~ Children (and BIG Kids, too) learn that even a little "change" can change the lives of those in need. Banks distributed in March, please return Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025.

City of Dublin St. Patrick's Day Parade & Festival - Parade is March 15 and Festival is March 15 & 16. We'll march in the Parade, as well as host a festival booth on the weekend with our famous Pig Jig game! A great time to connect with the community. 

Palm Sunday ~ The kids open the Worship Service with a special Palm Parade - April 13 

Maunday Thursday Service ~ Thursday, April 17

Good Friday Service ~ Friday, April 18

Easter Celebration ~  He Has Risen!! Join us for a festive Worship Service.  Kids will enjoy Sunday School with special lessons and crafts, and even an Easter Egg Hunt.  Join us April 20.

National Day of Prayer ~ Thursday, May 1. We'll celebrate with a special prayer time that we are indeed One Nation Under God!

Mother's Day ~ Special Mom's Day Children's Message and we hand out Sunflowers to the JKPC Ladies!

Graduation Sunday ~ We'll say a BIG congratulations to all of our kids at the end of the school year and a BIG thank you to the Christian Education Team!

Father's Day ~ Special Father's Day Children's Message and we hand out a Thank You to our JKPC Men!

Fireworks Booth ~ Hoping that we will be able to share a 4th of July Fireworks Booth with another non-profit organization. This is a fun fundraiser!

Vacation Bible School ~ Save the Date!! VBS is heading our way July 14-18.  With a VBS Kick-off 7/13 and a Musical Sunday & BBQ 7/20.  Registration begins May 1.

Back To School Sunday ~ Special Kids Message, a Blessing, and Key Chain is handed out to kids of all ages! 

Fall Kick-Off ~ Sunday after Labor Day, September 7.  Welcome back - we usually have a potluck or BBQ to celebrate! 

3rd Grade Bible Presentation ~ NIV Adventure Bibles are presented during the Worship Service on September 14 to 3rd Graders! JKPC kids get into God's Word!

Trunk or Treat ~ Sunday, October 26 - FUN!!  Decorated Trunks, Costume Parade, BBQ meal & more!

World Communion Sunday ~ the first Sunday in October: October 8.   We usually celebrate with a potluck after the service. 

Heifer International Living Gift Market ~ November 23 - A fun and special opportunity to help those around the world!  Our JKPC Kids will help create awareness on how "purchasing" a Heifer animal (or seeds, water pump) will help a family and community thrive. You can "shop Heifer" until the December 17.

Operation Christmas Child ~ We'll hand out shoeboxes to all in October to be filled with toys, necessities and love! Filled Boxes due by November 16.  We will hold a Packing Party again!  

Honoring our Veterans ~ Sunday, November 9 we will show a video honoring our JKPC Veterans, and Veterans will be able to greet all. 

Christmas Missions: Local Toy Drive (with Blue Oaks Church) and Warm Clothing Drive (with Monthly Miracles). 
The congregation can order Poinsettias in honor/celebration of loved ones. 

Advent Celebration ~ All are welcome to join us the November 30, the first Sunday in Advent from 4-5:30 p.m. We will welcome Christmas by making homemade crafts and ornaments, singing carols, and decorating/lighting the church tree!  By the first Sunday in Advent we will also have the church decorated and the wooden nativity set placed in front of the church. 

McIntyre Wine & Wassail Caroling Party ~ All invited. Usually first Sunday in December in evening. 

Christmas Food Drive & Giveaway ~ Food Collection for Children's Emergency Food Bank.  The scouts and community help sort the food and pack them in two boxes for the Christmas give-away. 

Christmas Pageant ~ During the 9:30 a.m. Worship Service on December 7, the JKPC kids will share the story of the very first Christmas in story and song.  

Music Sunday ~ During the 9:30 a.m. Worship Service on December 14, a festive service filled with music by the Praise Team and Choir

Christmas Eve Service - Two Services: Family Friendly Service and Communion & Candle Light Service


We are blessed by our JKPC Elders, Deacons and Volunteers who share their love and time to help support of the events and programs at JKPC!   YOU are the Church = chURch