Weekly Update: Songs to Learn for Sunday :)

Weekly Update: Songs to Learn for Sunday :)


This Sunday, August 25... 
Join us for Worship at 9:30 a.m.

Pastor Garrett's message is titled:

"Life Directives: Honoring Sabbath” 
based on Exodus 20



***Homework for the Congregation - due Sunday  :)
We wanted to share the following two songs that will be part of the Worship Service on Sunday.  Hoping you can listen to them ahead of time so that you can sing along! 

"The Perfect Ten" Song - CLICK HERE   (to be sung by all during the Kids Message

"These are the Days of Elijah" CLICK HERE 

                           YouTube Link for last Sunday's, August 18, Worship Service 

         Last Sunday's YouTube link had been blocked due to copyright issues: 
a video clip from the Olympics had been included during Pastor's Don message.
  We have edited the clip out, so it is now viewable.   



Discovery Class 

Interested in becoming a JKPC Member? or knowing more
about what it means to be part of the JKPC Family?
Please contact Pastor Garrett
at revgkyamada@gmail.com and he will schedule a time with you.



Save the Date for a

Before Worship on Sunday, September 8
from 8:30 - 9:15 a.m.

Skip your usual Sunday morning stop-off for coffee and a quick bite and join us at JKPC for a special time to enjoy coffee, tea, bagels (maybe even a few donuts!) and some great pre-church fellowship. Bring a friend, if you wish.



Save the Date: 
September Restaurant Fundraiser  
at Erik's Deli-cafe on
Wednesday, September 11. 

More Details Coming Soon! 




Men's Poker Night

Friday, September 13, 7 p.m.

All men are encouraged to attend this casual night of poker 
at Chet Wehe's home:
19945 Forest Ave, Castro Valley


As usual, it will be a friendly night of cards (dealer calls the game, $10 buy in) and conversation with snacks and drinks of choice. Hope you can make it!

Contact Chet if you plan to attend: 510-566-2734, or wehec@yahoo.com



Laity Sunday, September 15

Join us for a Lay-led Sunday featuring our own Joy Dubey, Diane Engel, and Bob Rickleffs as speakers. Our theme is “Walking in Faith,” and each speaker will share a bit of his or her own journey. Nanette Wehe, will inspire us in song, and others will assist in making this Sunday’s service one that will uplift your spirits and deepen your own faith as you walk with our Lord.



More Ways to Give thru Vanco Online Giving! 

You can donate to JKPC on our website, or through the Vanco App on your phone.
We have recently added options for you to direct your giving to specific ministries and special offerings: General Offering, Per Capita, Deacons Fund and Children's Emergency Food Bank. We hope this is helpful to you when making donations to JKPC.
Whether you mail in your offering, drop it off at church, or pay electronically, we thank you for your continued support!

For questions regarding your pledge / offerings,
please contact the church office and they can connect you with the treasurer


Prayers of Joy and Concern: For Bob Kraft who is in the hospital being treated for pain and nutritional concerns that he would be able to return home soon; for Woody Hedman's brother who is receiving radiation and chemo to treat esophageal cancer; for Stan Husted’s brother, Larry, who has cerebral palsy and is on dialysis; for healing for Carol Peterson who has Covid; for Laura Bolin's brother who is seriously ill, and praises for the birth of his first grandchild; for safety for Dave and Stephen Bolin who are driving cross country in a U-Haul; for healing for Larry Woods' brother, Bob, who has heart trouble and is having tests done; for healing for Marlene Muir's brother, Al, who was in the ER on Sunday; for healing for Peter McIntyre and prayers for peace for Diana as she preps for her breast cancer surgery on August 30; praises for Laura & Dave Bolin celebrating their 39th wedding anniversary / for Mark & Nancy Polcyn celebrating their 31st anniversary today/ And for Vicki & Steve Sigl celebrating their 38th anniversary on Saturday!   





This Week's Happenings…


6:00 p.m.           Jobs Daughters - Fellowship Hall, Library
6:30 p.m.           Spanish Bible Study - Room D

6:30 p.m.             Alanon - Room D
                          **Dean / Steve will email band and choir with rehearsal Schedule**

8:00 a.m.           Men’s Bible Study - Copper Skillet
10:00 p.m.         Lift Bible Study - Conference Room
5:00 p.m.           Scouts Overnight - Fellowship Hall, Courtyard  

9:30 a.m.           Worship Service - Sanctuary                            
11:15 a.m.         Heavenly Grace Church - Sanctuary, Library

Thought for the week: