Memorial Service for Alan Cook
Friday, June 14, at 11 a.m.
There will be a reception in the Fellowship Hall following the service. If you would like to bring finger food or a dessert, it would be very much appreciated!
To sign up, please CLICK HERE or contact Nancie Maxwell.

This Sunday, June 16 ...
Join us for Worship on Father's Day at 9:30 a.m.
Steve Kritzer & Sue Wilburn will each be sharing a personal message on Sunday. Hope to see all of you!
Kathy Snowden
September 22, 1944 - April 25, 2024
Kathy loved her JKPC family, and especially
fellowship events. Please join the Snowden and Kraft Families in celebrating Kathy with an after church lunch reception on
Sunday, June 23rd,immediately following the service.
SWELL Event ~ Lunch Marian Pistochini’s Home
in Manteca Saturday, June 15!
SWELL (Social Women Enjoying Living Life) will be visiting our dear friend and former JKPC member Marian Pistochini in Manteca. We will meet at 10:30 a.m. in the JKPC parking lot to carpool. We will order our lunches at the Bean and Leaf Café in Manteca, then drive them over to Marian’s house, where we will eat and fellowship. If you would like to join us, or if you have questions, please contact Sue King-Irwin or the church office.
“Shrek 2” Movie at the Park
Friday, June 21 at dusk!
Grab your blanket or low-back chair and join us for this free family movie! Shrek 2 (PG) will be shown at dusk, around 8:30 p.m. at Stager Field (6901 York Drive /Wells Middle School front field). Arrive early for snacks, games, and other activities - and look for Nancy, Alice or Mary!
Soeun and PJ Peterson will be there too - so teens, join the fun!
SIGN UP your kids ASAP (this Sunday by Noon)
for one of the Best Weeks of Summer
at JKPC's Camp Firelight
Vacation Bible School!
July 8-12
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - Noon for ages 3 and Up
Click Here for all the details and to register online
CLICK HERE to sign up to bring VBS Volunteer Snacks
Donations welcome to help with student scholarships,
as well as donations of the following craft materials:
Pringles lids
Flat glass stones (flat marbles),
Yellow gauzy material (to make a fake camp fire),
Small white Christmas lights (that you are willing to part with)
Sports Water Dispensers (such as Igloo) to borrow during VBS Week
Volunteers Needed ~ Sign-up on Sunday by noon please so we can order you a VBS Tshirt
Adult Education ~ Last class June 30
Pastor Garrett will lead today’s session of the study
“What Makes You Happy? It’s Not What You’d
Expect” Please meet in Room D at 11 a.m.
Everyone welcome!
Prayers of Joy and Concern: Praises that Leah Kapp is visiting with Sue Wilburn for a week and prayers for the rest of the Kapp family dealing with health issues; for healing for Sandi Coll, who was experiencing pain from a recent fall; praises that Vickie Wyant’s niece, Jessica, continues to heal and may be returning home soon; for healing for Vickie Wyant’s neighbor, Judy, who took a fall; praises that Vicki Sigl’s student, Kaylani, who had cancer, is in remission; for healing for Ruba & Rabi Joseph’s son, Andrew, who was in a car accident, and praises that the airbag saved Andrew’s life; praises for a wonderful trip to Europe for the McIntyres, that Diana’s eye procedure went well, and that they will attend their grandson’s high school graduation; praises that Larry Woods’ sister-in-law, Carol, is doing well after surgery for breast cancer; for comfort for family and friends of Patty Wirth, who passed away; praises for all of those who have accepted leadership positions as Elders and Deacons.
This Week's Happenings…
6:30 p.m. Alanon - Room D
**Dean will email band and choir with rehearsal schedule**
8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study - Copper Skillet
10:00 a.m. Friday Women's Bible Study - Contact Vickie Wyant
11:00 a.m. Memorial Service for Alan Cook
6:30 p.m. Bible Study (Spanish Speaking) - Library
11:30 a.m. SWELL - Marian Pistochini’s Home
9:30 a.m. Worship Service - Sanctuary
11:15 a.m. Heavenly Grace Church – Sanctuary, Library
Thought for the week:
Happy Father's Day!