
Join us Sundays at 9:30 a.m. for Worship 
Inspiring M
usic and Messages
Fellowship Time with Coffee & Refreshments

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This Sunday, March 9 Pastor Garrett message is titled 

                                            "Power of Prayer: Lessons from Daniel Part 3"
                                               based on 
Psalm 107:28-30; Philippians 4:6-7   

                                                                      For Order of Worship/ Bulletin Click Here     

March 16 - "Step to Overcoming Difficulties: Lessons from Daniel Part 4"  Pastor Garrett

March 23 -  Guest Pastor Terry Dwyer

March 30 - "Facing the Impossible: Lessons From Daniel Part"  Pastor Garrett






You can also view all of our past Worship Services on our JKPC YouTube Channel

John Knox Presbyterian Church
Interim Co-Pastors:    Don Strongman and Garrett Yamada