RSVP for Preschool Sunday Feb.23 at John Knox Pres. Church

RSVP for Preschool Sunday Feb.23 at John Knox Pres. Church




Preschool Sunday is Coming
 February 23 at JKPC!

Mrs. James, Mrs. Rivas, Mrs. Richards and Ms. Nancy will be there - 
and we hope YOUR FAMILY will be too!  

John Knox Co-op Preschool Families are invited to join a
special Church Service at JKPC on Sunday, February 23!

The service is form 9:30 - 10:30 a.m., and we ask that the kids arrive between 9:10-9:15 a.m. 
Your kids will have the opportunity to be on stage and share the songs that they have been
singing with Ms. Nancy during their weekday class time:
  “Magic Penny” and “Bigger than Big!” 

There’ll also be a special Sunday School Class with Ms. Nancy
& Mrs. Richards, and refreshments after church!
The Whole Family is invited - siblings, too!

 CLICK HERE for a Music Video of the Songs and to RSVP!  


                  SOUP Drive all through February!
  We are collecting Soup for the Children's Emergency Food Bank the whole month of February! A Collection Box is outside the classroom and the church office. 
 Be a part of the Winning Team by bringing in a non-perishable soup can or soup mix.




Hero Central" Vacation Bible School
Week of July 14-18   
9 a.m. - Noon 
for Preschool (age 3 and potty trained) - Middle School  
Registration begins May 1! 
More info to come!









Every Sunday at John Knox Presbyterian Church

9:30 a.m. Worship Services 
There is Kids Sunday School with Miss Nancy in the Co-op Classrooms! 
Families first start out together for Worship. 


Sunday Afternoons 4-5:30 p.m Kids ROCK 
Usually for Kids K-5th, but we are inviting Preschoolers and a Parent to join the Fun!

                                               February 16 - HEART PAINTING time (wear an old shirt)
February 23 -  Kite Making!


Visit to check out all programs offered to Adults as well. Please email Nancy Polcypn, Family Ministries Director and Former Co-op Mom, if questions